Wrap maker
Naming the wraps. horizontal line

Tutorials. The wraps are the base for almost any advanced diabolo trick, move or mount. Knowing the basic principles is essential in diabolo juggling. First, there are 2 Wraps and 4 Names. So for each wrap there are 2 names.

First, part of the name comes from the way you make the wrap. If the wrap is done with your left hand it's always either a left backwrap or left frontwrap. Vice versa, if you do the wrap with right hand it's always a right back/frontwrap.

The second part of the name is constructed from the string position. If the string goes around the front of the diabolo it is called a frontwrap. If the string goes from the jugglers side it's called a backwrap. Which string you may ask? It's the string you made the wrap with.

Continue to the backsides...


Shortcuts for this tutorial:

1. Wraps
2. Backsides
3. The Exercise

Name the wrap.Sprinklers and exits.Slowcides. Trapezes.