Wrap maker
Marko Akkanen. horizontal line

Tutorials. This website has been created by Marko Akkanen. Marko is a professional Finnish juggler and a juggling equipment vendor. He spends most of his time practicing, perfroming and teaching juggling. Main goal for this website is to expand jugglers knowledge on why the wraps are so important in diabolo juggling.

Most of the moves and mounts are actually based on wraps. By knowing how to use wraps in basic levels aid juggler in more advanced tricks. This website was also a school project in Tampere University course on Internet Based Learning Enviroments (IPOPPLA).

More information of the creator himself can be found from these websites:

You can reach Marko from:

MSN: sir_omppu@hotmail.com
Sirkusteltta.net:   Marko (username)
Diabolo.ca forum:   Marko (username)
Facebook:Oh, sort it out. You know the name.

Name the wrap.Sprinklers and exits.Slowcides. Trapezes.