Wrap maker
Trapeze tips written on blackboard horizontal line

Tutorials. Trapezes can be thought of as wraps. If in a trapeze you drop the string from the top of the stick, it will cause a wrap. This means that you can cut back to a trapeze from a wrap. You can do this by throwing a wrapped diabolo up and recapturing the string on the stick.

Since there are four ways to make a wrap there are also four ways to make a normal trapeze. Two can be from the basic strick frowrad position and those you surely know already. The other two are made by pointing the stick towards the juggler. It means that the diabolo comes from the armpit. Also you can drop the trapeze string out from the end of the stick, which will cause the opposite wrap than the trapeze would normally make.

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In short:

left trapeze   = left backwrap
right trapeze = right backwrap

Turning the stick or dropping the string from the end has the opposite effect.

Name the wrap.Sprinklers and exits.Slowcides. Trapezes.