Wrap maker
horizontal line

Tutorials. This exercice includes a video, so prepare to wait a little for the video to load. In the video you will see four sprinklers done by a right handed juggler. Your task is to choose the corresponding wrap from the dropdown boxes for every sprinkler. When ready, press check to see if you got it right.

Sprinkler 1:
Sprinkler 2:
Sprinkler 3:
Sprinkler 4:

The video requires Flash Player to work.

Previous. Diabolo by Aaro Kontio

For Righties:
Sprinkler = Left Backwrap or Left Frontwrap
Reverse Sprinkler = Right Backwrap or Right Frontwrap
For Lefties:
Sprinkler = Right Backwrap or Right Frontwrap
Reverse Sprinkler = Left Backwrap of Left Frontwrap

Name the wrap.Sprinklers and exits.Slowcides. Trapezes.